“The End” effect

So let’s explain this one: there is a clip with “The End” written in the middle, and above this clip there is the actual movie. The actual movie has a mask which represents a white (=opaque) circle on a black (=transparent) background. At the beginning, that circle is so large that you see all the actual movie and you don’t see the “The End” clip. Then the circle becomes progressively smaller and as a consequence you see less of the actual movie and more of the “The End” clip.

from moviepy import *
from moviepy.video.tools.drawing import circle

clip = (
    VideoFileClip("../../videos/badl-0006.mov", audio=False).subclip(26, 31).add_mask()

w, h = clip.size

# The mask is a circle with vanishing radius r(t) = 800-200*t
clip.mask.get_frame = lambda t: circle(
    screensize=(clip.w, clip.h),
    center=(clip.w / 2, clip.h / 4),
    radius=max(0, int(800 - 200 * t)),

the_end = TextClip(
    "The End", font="Amiri-bold", color="white", font_size=70

final = CompositeVideoClip([the_end.set_pos("center"), clip], size=clip.size)
