Source code for

import math
import warnings

import numpy as np

    import PIL

    PIL_rotate_kwargs_supported = {
        # [moviepy rotate argument name,
        #  PIL.rotate argument supported,
        #  minimum PIL version required]
        "fillcolor": ["bg_color", False, (5, 2, 0)],
        "center": ["center", False, (4, 0, 0)],
        "translate": ["translate", False, (4, 0, 0)],

    if hasattr(PIL, "__version__"):
        # check support for PIL.rotate arguments
        PIL__version_info__ = tuple(int(n) for n in PIL.__version__ if n.isdigit())

        for PIL_rotate_kw_name, support_data in PIL_rotate_kwargs_supported.items():
            if PIL__version_info__ >= support_data[2]:
                PIL_rotate_kwargs_supported[PIL_rotate_kw_name][1] = True

    Image = PIL.Image

except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    Image = None

[docs]def rotate( clip, angle, unit="deg", resample="bicubic", expand=True, center=None, translate=None, bg_color=None, ): """ Rotates the specified clip by ``angle`` degrees (or radians) anticlockwise If the angle is not a multiple of 90 (degrees) or ``center``, ``translate``, and ``bg_color`` are not ``None``, the package ``pillow`` must be installed, and there will be black borders. You can make them transparent with: >>> new_clip = clip.add_mask().rotate(72) Parameters ---------- clip : VideoClip A video clip. angle : float Either a value or a function angle(t) representing the angle of rotation. unit : str, optional Unit of parameter `angle` (either "deg" for degrees or "rad" for radians). resample : str, optional An optional resampling filter. One of "nearest", "bilinear", or "bicubic". expand : bool, optional If true, expands the output image to make it large enough to hold the entire rotated image. If false or omitted, make the output image the same size as the input image. translate : tuple, optional An optional post-rotate translation (a 2-tuple). center : tuple, optional Optional center of rotation (a 2-tuple). Origin is the upper left corner. bg_color : tuple, optional An optional color for area outside the rotated image. Only has effect if ``expand`` is true. """ if Image: try: resample = { "bilinear": Image.BILINEAR, "nearest": Image.NEAREST, "bicubic": Image.BICUBIC, }[resample] except KeyError: raise ValueError( "'resample' argument must be either 'bilinear', 'nearest' or 'bicubic'" ) if hasattr(angle, "__call__"): get_angle = angle else: get_angle = lambda t: angle def filter(get_frame, t): angle = get_angle(t) im = get_frame(t) if unit == "rad": angle = math.degrees(angle) angle %= 360 if not center and not translate and not bg_color: if (angle == 0) and expand: return im if (angle == 90) and expand: transpose = [1, 0] if len(im.shape) == 2 else [1, 0, 2] return np.transpose(im, axes=transpose)[::-1] elif (angle == 270) and expand: transpose = [1, 0] if len(im.shape) == 2 else [1, 0, 2] return np.transpose(im, axes=transpose)[:, ::-1] elif (angle == 180) and expand: return im[::-1, ::-1] if not Image: raise ValueError( 'Without "Pillow" installed, only angles that are a multiple of 90' " without centering, translation and background color transformations" ' are supported, please install "Pillow" with `pip install pillow`' ) # build PIL.rotate kwargs kwargs, _locals = ({}, locals()) for PIL_rotate_kw_name, ( kw_name, supported, min_version, ) in PIL_rotate_kwargs_supported.items(): # get the value passed to rotate FX from `locals()` dictionary kw_value = _locals[kw_name] if supported: # if argument supported by PIL version kwargs[PIL_rotate_kw_name] = kw_value else: if kw_value is not None: # if not default value warnings.warn( f"rotate '{kw_name}' argument is not supported" " by your Pillow version and is being ignored. Minimum" " Pillow version required:" f" v{'.'.join(str(n) for n in min_version)}", UserWarning, ) # PIL expects uint8 type data. However a mask image has values in the # range [0, 1] and is of float type. To handle this we scale it up by # a factor 'a' for use with PIL and then back again by 'a' afterwards. if im.dtype == "float64": # this is a mask image a = 255.0 else: a = 1 # call PIL.rotate return ( np.array( Image.fromarray(np.array(a * im).astype(np.uint8)).rotate( angle, expand=expand, resample=resample, **kwargs ) ) / a ) return clip.transform(filter, apply_to=["mask"])