Source code for

def _f_accel_decel(t, old_duration, new_duration, abruptness=1.0, soonness=1.0):
    a = 1.0 + abruptness

    def _f(t):
        def f1(t):
            return (0.5) ** (1 - a) * (t**a)

        def f2(t):
            return 1 - f1(1 - t)

        return (t < 0.5) * f1(t) + (t >= 0.5) * f2(t)

    return old_duration * _f((t / new_duration) ** soonness)

[docs]def accel_decel(clip, new_duration=None, abruptness=1.0, soonness=1.0): """Accelerates and decelerates a clip, useful for GIF making. Parameters ---------- new_duration : float Duration for the new transformed clip. If None, will be that of the current clip. abruptness : float Slope shape in the acceleration-deceleration function. It will depend on the value of the parameter: * ``-1 < abruptness < 0``: speed up, down, up. * ``abruptness == 0``: no effect. * ``abruptness > 0``: speed down, up, down. soonness : float For positive abruptness, determines how soon the transformation occurs. Should be a positive number. Raises ------ ValueError When ``sooness`` argument is lower than 0. Examples -------- The following graphs show functions generated by different combinations of arguments, where the value of the slopes represents the speed of the videos generated, being the linear function (in red) a combination that does not produce any transformation. .. image:: /_static/accel_decel-fx-params.png :alt: acced_decel FX parameters combinations """ if new_duration is None: new_duration = clip.duration if soonness < 0: raise ValueError("'sooness' should be a positive number") return clip.time_transform( lambda t: _f_accel_decel(t, clip.duration, new_duration, abruptness, soonness) ).with_duration(new_duration)