Source code for

"""Main video composition interface of MoviePy."""

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

from import CompositeAudioClip
from import ColorClip, VideoClip

[docs]class CompositeVideoClip(VideoClip): """ A VideoClip made of other videoclips displayed together. This is the base class for most compositions. Parameters ---------- size The size (width, height) of the final clip. clips A list of videoclips. Clips with a higher ``layer`` attribute will be displayed on top of other clips in a lower layer. If two or more clips share the same ``layer``, then the one appearing latest in ``clips`` will be displayed on top (i.e. it has the higher layer). For each clip: - The attribute ``pos`` determines where the clip is placed. See ``VideoClip.set_pos`` - The mask of the clip determines which parts are visible. Finally, if all the clips in the list have their ``duration`` attribute set, then the duration of the composite video clip is computed automatically bg_color Color for the unmasked and unfilled regions. Set to None for these regions to be transparent (will be slower). use_bgclip Set to True if the first clip in the list should be used as the 'background' on which all other clips are blitted. That first clip must have the same size as the final clip. If it has no transparency, the final clip will have no mask. The clip with the highest FPS will be the FPS of the composite clip. """ def __init__( self, clips, size=None, bg_color=None, use_bgclip=False, is_mask=False ): if size is None: size = clips[0].size if use_bgclip and (clips[0].mask is None): transparent = False else: transparent = bg_color is None if bg_color is None: bg_color = 0.0 if is_mask else (0, 0, 0) fpss = [clip.fps for clip in clips if getattr(clip, "fps", None)] self.fps = max(fpss) if fpss else None VideoClip.__init__(self) self.size = size self.is_mask = is_mask self.clips = clips self.bg_color = bg_color if use_bgclip: = clips[0] self.clips = clips[1:] self.created_bg = False else: self.clips = clips = ColorClip(size, color=self.bg_color, is_mask=is_mask) self.created_bg = True # order self.clips by layer self.clips = sorted(self.clips, key=lambda clip: clip.layer) # compute duration ends = [clip.end for clip in self.clips] if None not in ends: duration = max(ends) self.duration = duration self.end = duration # compute audio audioclips = [ for v in self.clips if is not None] if audioclips: = CompositeAudioClip(audioclips) # compute mask if necessary if transparent: maskclips = [ (clip.mask if (clip.mask is not None) else clip.add_mask().mask) .with_position(clip.pos) .with_end(clip.end) .with_start(clip.start, change_end=False) .with_layer(clip.layer) for clip in self.clips ] self.mask = CompositeVideoClip( maskclips, self.size, is_mask=True, bg_color=0.0 )
[docs] def make_frame(self, t): """The clips playing at time `t` are blitted over one another.""" frame ="uint8") im = Image.fromarray(frame) if is not None: frame_mask = im_mask = Image.fromarray(255 * frame_mask).convert("L") im = im.putalpha(im_mask) for clip in self.playing_clips(t): im = clip.blit_on(im, t) return np.array(im)
[docs] def playing_clips(self, t=0): """Returns a list of the clips in the composite clips that are actually playing at the given time `t`. """ return [clip for clip in self.clips if clip.is_playing(t)]
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the instance, releasing all the resources.""" if self.created_bg and # Only close the background clip if it was locally created. # Otherwise, it remains the job of whoever created it. = None if hasattr(self, "audio") and = None
def clips_array(array, rows_widths=None, cols_heights=None, bg_color=None): """Given a matrix whose rows are clips, creates a CompositeVideoClip where all clips are placed side by side horizontally for each clip in each row and one row on top of the other for each row. So given next matrix of clips with same size: ```python clips_array([[clip1, clip2, clip3], [clip4, clip5, clip6]]) ``` the result will be a CompositeVideoClip with a layout displayed like: ``` ┏━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━┓ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ clip1 ┃ clip2 ┃ clip3 ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┣━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━━╋━━━━━━━┫ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ clip4 ┃ clip5 ┃ clip6 ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┗━━━━━━━┻━━━━━━━┻━━━━━━━┛ ``` If some clips doesn't fulfill the space required by the rows or columns in which are placed, that space will be filled by the color defined in ``bg_color``. array Matrix of clips included in the returned composited video clip. rows_widths Widths of the different rows in pixels. If ``None``, is set automatically. cols_heights Heights of the different columns in pixels. If ``None``, is set automatically. bg_color Fill color for the masked and unfilled regions. Set to ``None`` for these regions to be transparent (processing will be slower). """ array = np.array(array) sizes_array = np.array([[clip.size for clip in line] for line in array]) # find row width and col_widths automatically if not provided if rows_widths is None: rows_widths = sizes_array[:, :, 1].max(axis=1) if cols_heights is None: cols_heights = sizes_array[:, :, 0].max(axis=0) # compute start positions of X for rows and Y for columns xs = np.cumsum([0] + list(cols_heights)) ys = np.cumsum([0] + list(rows_widths)) for j, (x, ch) in enumerate(zip(xs[:-1], cols_heights)): for i, (y, rw) in enumerate(zip(ys[:-1], rows_widths)): clip = array[i, j] w, h = clip.size # if clip not fulfill row width or column height if (w < ch) or (h < rw): clip = CompositeVideoClip( [clip.with_position("center")], size=(ch, rw), bg_color=bg_color ).with_duration(clip.duration) array[i, j] = clip.with_position((x, y)) return CompositeVideoClip(array.flatten(), size=(xs[-1], ys[-1]), bg_color=bg_color)