Source code for

"""Implements AudioClip (base class for audio clips) and its main subclasses:

- Audio clips: AudioClip, AudioFileClip, AudioArrayClip
- Composition: CompositeAudioClip

import numbers
import os

import numpy as np
import proglog

from import ffmpeg_audiowrite
from moviepy.Clip import Clip
from moviepy.decorators import convert_path_to_string, requires_duration
from import extensions_dict

[docs]class AudioClip(Clip): """Base class for audio clips. See ``AudioFileClip`` and ``CompositeSoundClip`` for usable classes. An AudioClip is a Clip with a ``make_frame`` attribute of the form `` t -> [ f_t ]`` for mono sound and ``t-> [ f1_t, f2_t ]`` for stereo sound (the arrays are Numpy arrays). The `f_t` are floats between -1 and 1. These bounds can be trespassed without problems (the program will put the sound back into the bounds at conversion time, without much impact). Parameters ---------- make_frame A function `t-> frame at time t`. The frame does not mean much for a sound, it is just a float. What 'makes' the sound are the variations of that float in the time. duration Duration of the clip (in seconds). Some clips are infinite, in this case their duration will be ``None``. nchannels Number of channels (one or two for mono or stereo). Examples -------- >>> # Plays the note A in mono (a sine wave of frequency 440 Hz) >>> import numpy as np >>> make_frame = lambda t: np.sin(440 * 2 * np.pi * t) >>> clip = AudioClip(make_frame, duration=5, fps=44100) >>> clip.preview() >>> # Plays the note A in stereo (two sine waves of frequencies 440 and 880 Hz) >>> make_frame = lambda t: np.array([ ... np.sin(440 * 2 * np.pi * t), ... np.sin(880 * 2 * np.pi * t) ... ]).T.copy(order="C") >>> clip = AudioClip(make_frame, duration=3, fps=44100) >>> clip.preview() """ def __init__(self, make_frame=None, duration=None, fps=None): super().__init__() if fps is not None: self.fps = fps if make_frame is not None: self.make_frame = make_frame frame0 = self.get_frame(0) if hasattr(frame0, "__iter__"): self.nchannels = len(list(frame0)) else: self.nchannels = 1 if duration is not None: self.duration = duration self.end = duration
[docs] @requires_duration def iter_chunks( self, chunksize=None, chunk_duration=None, fps=None, quantize=False, nbytes=2, logger=None, ): """Iterator that returns the whole sound array of the clip by chunks""" if fps is None: fps = self.fps logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger) if chunk_duration is not None: chunksize = int(chunk_duration * fps) total_size = int(fps * self.duration) nchunks = total_size // chunksize + 1 positions = np.linspace(0, total_size, nchunks + 1, endpoint=True, dtype=int) for i in logger.iter_bar(chunk=list(range(nchunks))): size = positions[i + 1] - positions[i] assert size <= chunksize timings = (1.0 / fps) * np.arange(positions[i], positions[i + 1]) yield self.to_soundarray( timings, nbytes=nbytes, quantize=quantize, fps=fps, buffersize=chunksize )
[docs] @requires_duration def to_soundarray( self, tt=None, fps=None, quantize=False, nbytes=2, buffersize=50000 ): """ Transforms the sound into an array that can be played by pygame or written in a wav file. See ``AudioClip.preview``. Parameters ---------- fps Frame rate of the sound for the conversion. 44100 for top quality. nbytes Number of bytes to encode the sound: 1 for 8bit sound, 2 for 16bit, 4 for 32bit sound. """ if tt is None: if fps is None: fps = self.fps max_duration = 1 * buffersize / fps if self.duration > max_duration: stacker = np.vstack if self.nchannels == 2 else np.hstack return stacker( tuple( self.iter_chunks( fps=fps, quantize=quantize, nbytes=2, chunksize=buffersize ) ) ) else: tt = np.arange(0, self.duration, 1.0 / fps) """ elif len(tt)> 1.5*buffersize: nchunks = int(len(tt)/buffersize+1) tt_chunks = np.array_split(tt, nchunks) return stacker([self.to_soundarray(tt=ttc, buffersize=buffersize, fps=fps, quantize=quantize, nbytes=nbytes) for ttc in tt_chunks]) """ snd_array = self.get_frame(tt) if quantize: snd_array = np.maximum(-0.99, np.minimum(0.99, snd_array)) inttype = {1: "int8", 2: "int16", 4: "int32"}[nbytes] snd_array = (2 ** (8 * nbytes - 1) * snd_array).astype(inttype) return snd_array
[docs] def max_volume(self, stereo=False, chunksize=50000, logger=None): """Returns the maximum volume level of the clip.""" # max volume separated by channels if ``stereo`` and not mono stereo = stereo and self.nchannels > 1 # zero for each channel maxi = np.zeros(self.nchannels) for chunk in self.iter_chunks(chunksize=chunksize, logger=logger): maxi = np.maximum(maxi, abs(chunk).max(axis=0)) # if mono returns float, otherwise array of volumes by channel return maxi if stereo else maxi[0]
[docs] @requires_duration @convert_path_to_string("filename") def write_audiofile( self, filename, fps=None, nbytes=2, buffersize=2000, codec=None, bitrate=None, ffmpeg_params=None, write_logfile=False, logger="bar", ): """Writes an audio file from the AudioClip. Parameters ---------- filename Name of the output file, as a string or a path-like object. fps Frames per second. If not set, it will try default to self.fps if already set, otherwise it will default to 44100. nbytes Sample width (set to 2 for 16-bit sound, 4 for 32-bit sound) codec Which audio codec should be used. If None provided, the codec is determined based on the extension of the filename. Choose 'pcm_s16le' for 16-bit wav and 'pcm_s32le' for 32-bit wav. bitrate Audio bitrate, given as a string like '50k', '500k', '3000k'. Will determine the size and quality of the output file. Note that it mainly an indicative goal, the bitrate won't necessarily be the this in the output file. ffmpeg_params Any additional parameters you would like to pass, as a list of terms, like ['-option1', 'value1', '-option2', 'value2'] write_logfile If true, produces a detailed logfile named filename + '.log' when writing the file logger Either ``"bar"`` for progress bar or ``None`` or any Proglog logger. """ if not fps: if not self.fps: fps = 44100 else: fps = self.fps if codec is None: name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename)) try: codec = extensions_dict[ext[1:]]["codec"][0] except KeyError: raise ValueError( "MoviePy couldn't find the codec associated " "with the filename. Provide the 'codec' " "parameter in write_audiofile." ) return ffmpeg_audiowrite( self, filename, fps, nbytes, buffersize, codec=codec, bitrate=bitrate, write_logfile=write_logfile, ffmpeg_params=ffmpeg_params, logger=logger, )
class AudioArrayClip(AudioClip): """ An audio clip made from a sound array. Parameters ---------- array A Numpy array representing the sound, of size Nx1 for mono, Nx2 for stereo. fps Frames per second : speed at which the sound is supposed to be played. """ def __init__(self, array, fps): Clip.__init__(self) self.array = array self.fps = fps self.duration = 1.0 * len(array) / fps def make_frame(t): """Complicated, but must be able to handle the case where t is a list of the form sin(t). """ if isinstance(t, np.ndarray): array_inds = np.round(self.fps * t).astype(int) in_array = (array_inds >= 0) & (array_inds < len(self.array)) result = np.zeros((len(t), 2)) result[in_array] = self.array[array_inds[in_array]] return result else: i = int(self.fps * t) if i < 0 or i >= len(self.array): return 0 * self.array[0] else: return self.array[i] self.make_frame = make_frame self.nchannels = len(list(self.get_frame(0)))
[docs]class CompositeAudioClip(AudioClip): """Clip made by composing several AudioClips. An audio clip made by putting together several audio clips. Parameters ---------- clips List of audio clips, which may start playing at different times or together, depends on their ``start`` attributes. If all have their ``duration`` attribute set, the duration of the composite clip is computed automatically. """ def __init__(self, clips): self.clips = clips self.nchannels = max(clip.nchannels for clip in self.clips) # self.duration is set at AudioClip duration = None for end in self.ends: if end is None: break duration = max(end, duration or 0) # self.fps is set at AudioClip fps = None for clip in self.clips: if hasattr(clip, "fps") and isinstance(clip.fps, numbers.Number): fps = max(clip.fps, fps or 0) super().__init__(duration=duration, fps=fps) @property def starts(self): """Returns starting times for all clips in the composition.""" return (clip.start for clip in self.clips) @property def ends(self): """Returns ending times for all clips in the composition.""" return (clip.end for clip in self.clips)
[docs] def make_frame(self, t): """Renders a frame for the composition for the time ``t``.""" played_parts = [clip.is_playing(t) for clip in self.clips] sounds = [ clip.get_frame(t - clip.start) * np.array([part]).T for clip, part in zip(self.clips, played_parts) if (part is not False) ] if isinstance(t, np.ndarray): zero = np.zeros((len(t), self.nchannels)) else: zero = np.zeros(self.nchannels) return zero + sum(sounds)
def concatenate_audioclips(clips): """Concatenates one AudioClip after another, in the order that are passed to ``clips`` parameter. Parameters ---------- clips List of audio clips, which will be played one after other. """ # start, end/start2, end2/start3... end starts_end = np.cumsum([0, *[clip.duration for clip in clips]]) newclips = [clip.with_start(t) for clip, t in zip(clips, starts_end[:-1])] return CompositeAudioClip(newclips).with_duration(starts_end[-1])